Company Modules


To help provide a similar education program for the outdoor industry, nonprofits and others, we have developed a modular, expedited program that can be presented to interested organizations and companies.  This program is designed not just for hunters, but for anyone in the hunting or outdoor industry.  This program will help to increase knowledge of wildlife management, conservation, and hunting ethics and culture.  It is a valuable tool for companies working in the outdoor industry that may produce products related to hunting, and to help engage employees who may not hunt. 


The core program is a five-hour module that includes History of Conservation, Wildlife Management and Hunting Culture and Ethics.  Additional three-hour elective modules can be added and include topics such as Hunting Research and Resources, Land Navigation, Shooting Precision and Accuracy, Montana Wildlife Law, Walkthrough of Montana Regulations, and basic Hunting Skills.


Please contact us if you are interested in learning more about how we can assist your company or organization.