Why Should a Landowner Participate?


The core content of One Montana’s Master Hunter Program is “landowner-driven”. This landowner-driven approach is key to the success of our program and a game changer in the hunting access discussion. Montana landowners have observed a range of experiences when allowing public hunters to access their properties for hunting or other recreational activities. These experiences range from high quality personal friendships developed over the years to extremely negative and sometimes unsafe experiences. In some cases, these negative experiences stem from hunters who may not understand the basic ethics and responsibilities associated with hunting on private property.  MHP promotes hunting access on private lands and matches certified hunters with private landowners who seek safe, ethical, responsible and competent hunters for whom they provide access to their properties for hunting. Our Certified Master Hunters understand how their hunting activities and behaviors impact landowners, and what is required to be the kind of hunters whom our landowner partners will want to welcome on their property.

To assist landowners with managing hunters who would like to hunt their properties, we create specific landowner profiles that outline the rules for each property including days and times hunting is allowed, species and sex which may be harvested, and any rules related to weeds, driving, walk in areas, etc. The MHP staff will also provide hunter management assistance as requested.

This brief video explores the relationship between hunters and landowners; the challenges that have arisen because of hunter behavior and why some ranchers might close their properties to hunting; Why is wildlife management so challenging?; Why private landowners might not feel supported by the hunting community?

This video was produced with generous support from The Greater Montana Foundation.



How do I Enroll?

If you are a landowner who is interested in learning more, or perhaps enrolling some of your property, please fill out form below, or contact Bill Spahr at bills@onemontana.org. We’ll get back to you right away to set up a conversation.